Welcome to the Fit for Life Community


I have put together a video showing you what to expect if you decide to join the fit for life community. 

You will decide how long each session is depending on how you feel on the day. 

Some workouts can be 10 minutes, or you can do more rounds and pump out a 30 minute session. 

In the videos you will see a low impact on some of the exercises, you choose which option you would like.

Enjoy your free trial, and remember I’m only a text away, on 021 328 696, if you need assistance. 

Play Video

VIdeo 1

Welcome to Fit For Life free trial. Here is your first session.
Please let me know what you think. 
This workout can be a 10, 20 or 30 minute session,  depending on how many rounds you would like to do.
There are 5 different rounds of exercises which have 2 exercises per set.
So put a 2 minute timer on and do the following:
  • 10 – Squats – Curtsy Lunges each side – as many as you can in 2 minutes
  • 10 Push-ups – 10 Tricep Dips – as many as you can in 2 minutes
  • 10 Climbers – 10 Plank with leg raises- as many as you can in 2 minutes
  • 10 Sit-up reach – 10 Crunch Heel Taps -as many as you can in 2 minutes
  • 10 Shoulder Taps – 10 Elbow Push-ups – as many as you can in 2 minutes
  • Enjoy and let me know how you go. I am only a text away if you need support.

Enjoy your free trial, and remember I’m only a text away, on 021 328 696, if you need assistance. 

VIdeo 2

Hi and welcome to video 2.
This is a 15 minute workout if you do 1 round or you can make it a 30 minute session if you choose to do 2.
There are 3 rounds of 5 minute exercises which have 3 exercises per set. 
So set a 5 minute timer and do the following:
  • 10 Squat Toe Touches – Swimming Push – High Knees – Star Jumps 
  • 10 Lunges each side – Clean and Press – Sumo  Squats – Side lunges each side
  • 10 V Sit with a Twist – Crunch Heel Taps – Bike Crunches – Pointing Planks

Enjoy your free trial, and remember I’m only a text away, on 021 328 696, if you need assistance. 

VIdeo 3

Welcome to video 3. Hopefully you have managed to fit in the first two workouts this week.
Once again you decide how many rounds you would like to do. Do the following:
  • 15 Squats or Squat Jumps
  • 5 Push-ups
  • 25 High Knees
  • 5 Burpees or Clean and Press
  • 10 Lunges each side
  • 10 Swimming Push-ups
  • 10 Climbers
  • 10 Knee Drops or Squats
  • 1 minute Plank

Enjoy your free trial, and remember I’m only a text away, on 021 328 696, if you need assistance. 

VIdeo 4

Welcome to video 4. Hopefully you have managed to fit in the first 3 workouts this week. Once again you decide how many rounds you would like to do. 
This workout is 3 minute rounds, with 3 exercises per round. Set a 3 minute timer and do the following:
  • 10 Skaters – 10 Butt Kicks – 10 Jump Jacks
  • 10 Pop Squats – 10 Pointing Planks – 10 Tuck Jumps
  • 10 Glute Bridges – 10 Leg Drops – 10 Flutters

Enjoy your free trial, and remember I’m only a text away, on 021 328 696, if you need assistance. 

Well that ends the week trial!

I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to working with you if you choose to take the Fit For Life journey with me and others in our community.

I’ll be in touch via email to see how you found your trial!

Join the Fit for Life Community